Monday, August 29, 2011

MLG Raleigh 2011

So it happened... I finally went to the Major League Gaming for the weekend.

Three of my friends decided that they want to go to Raleigh for MLG this year. I have known them for over three years from an Internet Message board. This was the first time I have ever met them in person. I was unsure at first because of all the car problems that I have been having last week (Break failure that caused me to hit a wall) but they kindly offered to drive to Charlotte to pick me up. I did not have a lot of options since I was stuck in my brother's house waiting for my car to get fixed (and no, the car is not fixed yet).

My friends Drove from NYC to DC and finally picked me up on Friday. The weather was not bad and we were at Raleigh at 3:00pm. We ended up sharing a 2 bedroom and I slept on the ground (Hey! I wasn't paying for the room)

We headed to MLG on the next day and it was a blast. Beside of the 4 games that were played (Starcraft 2, cod, LoL and Halo), there were booths set up for the public. I got to try many unreleased games at the Sony booth. I had a blast watching live Starcraft 2 matches. I have watched the streams over the internet but the experience of being around a crowd cheering for the players and talking between the rounds gave me nerd-chills.

The best part of the trip was meeting my friends. We have never met before and it is unreal to finally meet them in person. We look down at online communities and label those who spend their time participating in online community as anti-social. I don't understand why we think that everyone behind a keyboard is a bad-serial-killer-creeper when we all spend hours online every day. I have friends all over the United States and Europe who enjoy the same activities that I do (mostly videogames) who I socialize with daily.

Hopefully, I would be able to organize my trip better. I met many from my city who were interested in going but we could not plan it right. It is not hard to set up the basics. Overall, I think that the fun that you would get from this trip (or any trip you have in mind) would overweight any issues you will face. This was one of the few times were I said "Let’s just do it" and it turned out to be one of the most fun weekends in my life.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Student Organization Showcase (8/24/11)

I was able to pass on lunch today and visit the showcase today.

It is self-explanatory what the showcase is. It helps both students find organization and vice versa.

Since I am a part of the ACM, I went looking for the table and I was able to stand by it for some time (under the sun).
I met 3 students from the class (Mamoke Ukulu, Christopher Snyder, Gabriel Shaw) who were interested in joining. It is always exciting to have new members!

Sadly, I had to leave for work. Sorry if you swinged by to find an empty table. I will make sure that the date of the first meeting will be posted somewhere

Team Leaders Meeting - First day

I know that it is somewhat late to talk about an activity that we did last weekend, But the last few days has been busy with me trying to find a professor to sponsor me for a senior project...Fun Stuff!

The Team Leaders meeting was to explain to us what is our role and what are we required to do. Everything discussed was very basic and straight forward. I have never been a position in school before so I was never in a meeting for an academic reason.

I enjoyed being a part of a team where my opinion matters. I think Dr. Gross is very good at directing meetings and our discussions were on point while being enjoyable.

Getting to know the other Team Leads was great. One of the perks of working on what we like is that we end up around people with similar interest. I think Dr. Gross was able to get a great team with a very diverse background. I highly advice getting to meet team leads from other sections. I know I will.

I am very jealous that I didn't get this class when I started at UNC-C. I had to force myself to get out of my comfort zone to start working on my personal development. I am looking forward to see how the class impact the students as weeks go by.
Monday, August 22, 2011

Back to 335

For those who don't know, Woodward 335 is the computer lab that is open for all the CCI students. It has a "free" printer so you would not have to worry about having money in your 49rs card account.

The place hold a spot in my heart because of all the friends/classmates I hanged out with. I consider it the social hub of Woodward and I head there between my classes to see my friends (or make new ones).

Edit: I was not sure on if this would count as an activity. I done it for my own personal fun so don't follow this example.
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hello World!

I have always wanted to make a professional blog but I always end up losing focus on what I want it to be about.
This time, I will try to share the information with the focus of helping others. I will try to talk about how a truly feel and I hope others would express any opposite views they have.

Shall we start?